In ALL things GIVE THANKS. This is the will of the Father Concerning you!
Thanksgiving is my absolute favorite holiday! Why? Because EVERY one of us can find at least one reason to be THANKFUL! I can find numerous reasons. Unlike any other Holiday, the theme of this holiday is just THANKFULNESS! A day to celebrate one another by saying... THANK YOU! A day to remember all of your blessings - great and small. Thanksgiving is a time to love extra hard on family and friends without pretense. It is a holiday of love. It is the purest form of love ... a basic THANK YOU! So today and every other day, count your blessings. Remember all the things that you have to be thankful for. This year has been rough for me, but I am THANKFUL for so many things... 1 - A reasonable portion of HEALTH and STRENGTH - Back pains, neck pains and high blood pressure run rampant through my body, but I can still walk around, stand up, sit up, cut a two step and enjoy life. I may move a little slower, but you better believe ... I'M MOVING! 2 - Family - There is truly nothing like family. Sometimes they can make you want to pull out your hair, but there is not a single one of them that I would trade for the world. I have been blessed with a large family. There is never a dull moment with my family. But it makes great WRITING material! Family First! 3- Friends - If you have been blessed to have 2 good friends, you are wealthy. I have 3, so I believe I have far more riches than I deserve. True friendship is rare. In an age of social media followers, and Facebook friends, finding true friendship is becoming increasingly difficult. As a girl scout, I learned that true friends are worth silver and gold, but I have found that true friends are simply PRICELESS! 4 - Employment/Career - Not everyone who wants a job has one. For gainful employment, I am thankful! I may not have my dream job, but I can continue to work on it until I reach that point. 5- Passion/Purpose - There is nothing in the world like having a purpose that burns a hole in your bed and wakes you up each morning. I tell people all the time, passion is that thing that you love so much, you would do it for free! It drives you and when you have put in the work, it satisfies you! 6- JESUS CHRIST - Though I write this one last, it is the highlight of my life. Without CHRIST, I am nothing. Without the anointing, there is no purpose in my life. It is a pleasure to serve a living God, who knows all about us and yet still loves us. If for no other reason, you must be Thankful that you are saved, redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ. If you know him, stick closer. If you don't know him, I dare you to surrender your life to him. Just ask him to come in where you are, how you are and make you a brand new creature! He can do it! He loves you! He is crazy about you and He is waiting with open arms. There is nothing so horrible that you have done, that you can't be forgiven! Come unto Jesus... Just knowing Jesus sure has paid off in my life. Come to Jesus, while you have time. The time is ALWAYS right to give THANKS! Happy Thanksgiving my Leading Ladies! #JustForToday #SweetTee