Bullying is unwanted, intentional, aggressive behavior that is repeated. Ò1.3% of all deaths of teens are from SUICIDE (BULLYCIDE) caused by being bullied at school. Ò1 out of 5 kids admits to being a bully or doing some type of bullying. Ò 40% of High School students reported that bullying occurred among students on a daily or weekly basis. ÒOver 45% of all students reported being bullied “Sometimes” or more often.
Ò1 in 7 students in grades Kindergarten – 12th grade are bullied or the bully (Commercial Appeal, 2012)
Ò71% of students say bullying is an ongoing problem (Commercial Appeal, 2012) Ò160,000 children stay home from school each day to avoid being bullied (Commercial Appeal, 2012)
Ò7-12% of bullies are habitual and pose a serious threat Ò23% of 9th graders have carried a weapon to school recently Ò5-15% of students are constantly bullied Ò25% of students encourage bullying if not given proper education and support in anti-bullying techniques
Ò71% of students say bullying is an ongoing problem (Commercial Appeal, 2012) Ò160,000 children stay home from school each day to avoid being bullied (Commercial Appeal, 2012) Ò20-40% of bullying victims actually report being bullied Ò70% of middle school and high school students experience bullying in school